About 3838 businesses operate in the municipality of Vushtrri . The majority of these businesses are oriented towards commercial activity. Based on data from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, about 38.95% of businesses deal with trade, 15.50% with transport and telecommunications, 10.21% enter hotel services, restaurants, food preparation etc.
Distribution of economic activities in the Municipality of Vushtrri
Economic activity Number of businesses 1 .Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry and Fishing 175 2.Extracting industry 8 3.Manufacturing industry 310 4.Electricity, gas, water, steam, hot water and construction 2 5.Wholesale and retail market, cars rep. and other household appliances 1495 6.Hotels and Restaurants 392 7.Transportation and warehouses 596 8.Real Estate Business 4 9.Construction 265 10.Other social and personal activities 56 11.Information and communication 71 12.Scientific and professional technical activities 92 13.Administrative and support services 67 14.Other activities 305 Totali 3838